Fresh & Friendly
We deliver fresh meals and friendly interactions to those in Sackville-Bedford and surrounding areas who are unable prepare nutritious meals for themselves.
Land Acknowledgement:
The Halifax Regional Municipality is located in Mi’kma’ki, the traditional and unceded lands of the Mi’kmaq people.
The Municipality acknowledges the Peace & Friendship Treaties signed in this Territory and recognizes that we are all Treaty People.
About the program
The purpose of meals on wheels is to assist individuals who are experiencing difficulty preparing well-balanced meals and who wish to remain independent in their own homes.

Get involved
The Meals on Wheels Coordinator makes up the schedule for volunteers. The time you wish to contribute to the service can be stated and the schedule is made up to accommodate these requirements.

Whether you want to be a driver or general helper, volunteers may work alone or with a friend as a team.

Donations come in various forms. Giving is always appreciated, no matter how it’s done.

Sackville-Bedford Meals on Wheels relies on community partners to operate. We are lucky to have a great group of willing supporters.

Contact us to learn more
Want to learn more about our offering or get involved? We’re always ready to chat!