Ways to Volunteer
Do you have experience or interest in contributing to the governance of a non-profit? If you have a passion for our work and the heart to help, we’d love for you to contact our coordinator!
Are you someone who likes to drive? Are you friendly and ready to help be the bright spot in someone’s day? If this all sounds good contact our coordinator to find out how you can join our incredible team!
General Volunteer
Not able to participate in the board? Are you unable to commit to delivering meals? We have many other volunteer opportunities that we require assistance with. Please contact our coordinator to find out more!
Volunteer Information
Volunteers are eligible for a refund of their VSC/CRC with receipt.
Volunteers are eligible to receive a tax receipt for mileage recorded throughout the fiscal year and submitted at tax time. The allowance rate changes to reflect what the Government is offering to reimburse non-profits. The coordinator will prompt volunteers for this information in January/February for the previous calendar year.
Volunteers must have personal vehicle insurance. It is illegal to drive without personal vehicle insurance and Sackville-Bedford Meals on Wheels insurance will not cover the cost incurred to a volunteer / their vehicle if a motor vehicle accident occurs while delivering meals for SBMOW.

Ready to get started?
For all Volunteer Inquiries, please get in touch with our Coordinator at 902-869-6103 download our volunteer form or fill in the form below.

Contact us to learn more
Want to learn more about our offering or get involved? We’re always ready to chat!